
2009-6-9 10:30 【

  器质性精神障碍Organic mental disorders

  阿尔茨海默(Alzheimer)病Mental disorders due to Alzheimer is disease

  阿尔茨海默病,老年前期型Mental disorders due to Alzheimer is disease with early onset

  阿尔茨海默病,老年型Mental disorders due to Alzheimer is disease with alte onset

  阿尔茨海默病,非典型或混合型Mental disorders due to Alzheimer is disease, atypical ro mixed type

  其他或待分类的阿尔茨海默病Mental disorders due to other type of Alzheimer is disease, or unspecified

  脑血管病所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to vascular disease

  急性脑血管病所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to vascular disease of acute onset

  皮层性血管病所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to cortical vascular disease

  皮层下血管病所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to subcortical vascular disease

  皮层和皮层下血管病所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to mixedcortical subcortical vascular disease

  其他或待分类血管病所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to other vascular disease, or unspecified

  其他脑部疾病所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to other braindiseases

  脑变性病所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to brain degeneration

  匹克(Pick)病所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to Pick is diseasf

  享廷顿(Huntington)病所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to Huntington is disease

  帕金森(Parkinson)病所致精神障碍[Mental disorders due to Parkinson is disease

  肝豆状核变性(Wilson病)所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to hepatolenticular degeneration(Wilson is disease)

  颅内感染所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to intracranial infection

  急性病毒性脑炎所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to acute virus encephalitis

  克—雅病所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease

  脑炎后综合征Postencephalitic syndrome

  急性播散性脑脊髓炎和急性出血性白质脑炎所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to acute disseminateclencephalomyelitis and acute hemorrhagic leucoencephalitis

  多发性硬化所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to multiple sclerosis

  脑外伤所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to brain damage

  脑震荡后综合征Mental disorders due to brain concussion

  脑挫裂伤后综合征Mental disorders due to brain contusion

  脑瘤所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to brain tumor

  癫痫所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to epilepsy

  以上未分类的其他脑部疾病所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to other specifide diseases classifide dlsewhere

  躯体疾病所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to physical diseases

  躯体感染所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to physical infection

  人类免疫缺陷病毒所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to human immunodeficiency virus(HIV)

  内脏器官疾病所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to visceral organdisease

  内分泌疾病所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to endocrine disease

  营养代谢疾病所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to nutritional and metabolic disease

  结缔组织疾病所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to disease of connective tissue

  系统性红斑狼疮所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to systemic lupus erythematosus(SLE)

  染色体异常所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to chromosomal abnormality

  物理因素所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to physical factors

  以上未分类的其他躯体疾病所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to other diseases,or unspecifide

  围生期精神障碍Puerperal mental disorder

  其他或待分类器质性精神Organic mental disorders due to other diseases,or unspecified

  器质性智能损害(痴呆)Organic intellectual deficiency(dementia)

  器质性遗忘Organic amnesic syndrime

  器质性人格改变、习惯与冲动改变、性心理改变Organic personality change, habit and impulse change, psychosexual change

  器质性意识障碍(如谵妄)Organic consciousness disorders (e.g, delirium)

  器质性精神病性症状Organic psychotic symptoms

  器质性情感障碍Organic mood disorders

  器质性癔症样综合征Organic hysteria-like syndrome

  器质性神经症样综合征Organic neurosis-like syndrome

  精神活性物质所致精神障碍或非成瘾物质所致精神障碍Mental disorders due psychoactive substances or non-addictive substances

  精神活性物质所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to use of psychoactive substances

  酒精所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to use of alcohol

  阿片类物质所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to use of opioids

  大麻类物质所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to use of cannabinoids

  镇静催眠药或抗焦虑药所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to use of sedatives or hypnotics

  兴奋剂所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to use of stimulants

  致幻剂所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to use of hallucinogens

  烟草所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to use of tobacco

  挥发性溶剂所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to use of volative solvents

  其他或待分类的精神活性物质所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to other psychoactive substances,or unspecifide

  急性中毒Acute intoxication

  有害使用Harmful use

  依赖综合征医.学教.育网搜.集整理(成瘾综合征)Dependencd (addictive) syndrome

  戒断综合征Withdrawal syndrome

  精神病性障碍Psychotc disorders

  智能损害(痴呆)Intellectual deficiency (dementia)

  遗忘综合征Amnesic syndrome

  残留性或迟发性精神障碍Residual and late-onset mental disorder

  意识障碍(如谵妄、昏迷)Predominant disturbance of vonsciousness (e.g. delirium, coma)



  抑郁综合征Depressive syndrome

  躁狂综合征Manic syndrome

  病理性中毒Pathological intoxication


  非成瘾物质所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to non-addictive substances

  非成瘾药物所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to non-addictive drugs

  一氧化碳所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to carbon monoxide

  有机化合物所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to organic compound

  重金属所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to heavy metals

  食物所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to foods

  其他或待分类的非成瘾物质所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to other non-addictive substances, or unspecified

  精神分裂症(分裂症)和其他精神病性障碍Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders


  偏执型分裂症Paranoid schizophrenia

  青春型(瓦解型)分裂症Hebephrenic schizophrenia

  紧张型分裂症Catatonic schizophrenia

  单纯型分裂症Simple schizophrenia

  未定型分裂症Undifferentiated schizophrenia

  其他型或待分类的精神分裂症Other type or unspecified schizophrenia

  精神分裂症后抑郁Post-schizophrenic depression

  精神分裂症缓解期Remitted schizophrenia

  精神分裂症残留期Residual schizophrenia

  慢性精神分裂症Chronic schizophrenia

  精神分裂症衰退期Deteriorated schizophrenia

  偏执性精神障碍Paranoid mental disorders

  急性短暂性精神病Acute and transient psychosis

  分裂样精神病Schizophrenia-like psychosis

  旅途性精神病Travelling psychosis

  妄想阵发(急性妄想发作)Delusional episodes

  其他或待分类的急性短暂精神病Other or unspecified acute and transient psychosis

  感应性精神病Induced psychosis

  分裂情感性精神病Schizoaffective psychosis

  分裂情感性精神病,躁狂型Schiaoaffective psychosis , manic type

  分裂情感性精神病,抑郁型Schizoaffective psychosis, depressive type

  分裂情感性精神病,混合型Schizoaffective psychosis, mixed type

  其他或待分类的精神病性障碍Other or unspecified psychotic disorders

  周期性精神病Periodic psychosis

  心境障碍(情感性精神障碍)Mood disorders(Affective disorders)

  躁狂发作Manic episode


  无精神病性症状的躁狂症Mania without psychotic symptoms

  有精神病性症状的躁狂症Mania with psychotic symptoms

  复发性躁狂Recurrent mania

  复发性躁狂症,目前为轻躁狂Recurent mania, current episode hypomanic

  复发性躁狂症,目前为无精神病性症状的躁狂Recurrent mania, current episode manic without psychotic symptoms

  复发性躁狂症,目前为有精神病性症状的躁狂Recurrent mania, current episode manic with psychotic symptoms

  其他或待分类的躁狂Other or unspecifided manic episode

  双相障碍Bipolar disorder

  双相障碍,目前为轻躁狂Bipolar disorder, current episode hypomanic

  双相障碍,目前为无精神病性症状的躁狂Bipolar disorder, current episode manic without psychotic symptoms

  双相障碍,目前为有精神病性症状的躁狂Bipolar disorder, current episode manic with psychotic symptoms

  双相障碍,目前为轻抑郁Bipolar disorder, currdnt episode mild depression

  双相障碍,目前为无精神病性症状的抑郁Bipolar disorder, currdnt episode depression without psychotic symptoms

  双相障碍,目前为有精神病性症状的抑郁Bipolar disorder, currdnt episode depression with psychotic symptoms

  双相障碍,目前为混合性发作Bipolar disorder, currdnt episode mixed

  其他或待分类的双相障碍Other or unspecified bipolar disorders

  双相障碍,目前为快速循环发作Bipolar disorder, currdnt episode fast cycling

  抑郁发作Depressive episode

  轻性抑郁症(轻抑郁)Mild depression

  无精神病性症状的抑郁症Depression without psychotic symptoms

  有精神病性症状的抑郁症Depression with psychotic symptoms

  复发性抑郁症Recurrent depression

  复发性抑郁症,目前为轻抑郁Recurrent depression,current episode mild depressive

  复发性抑郁症,目前为无精神病性症状的抑郁Recurrent disorder,current episode depressive without psychotic symptoms

  有精神病性症状的抑郁Recurrent depressive disorder,current episode depressive with psychotic symptoms

  复发性抑郁症,目前为其他或待分类的抑郁症Other or unspecifide depression

  持续性心境障碍Persistent mood disorder



  其他或待分类的持续性心境障碍Other or unspecifide persistent mood disorders

  其他或待分类的心境障碍Other or unspecified mood disorders

  意识障碍(如谵妄)Disturbance of consciousness (e.g.delirium)

  伴躯体症状With somatic symptoms


  缓解期In remission

  癔症、应激相关障碍、神经症Hysteria ,Stress-related disorders,Neurosis


  癔症性精神障碍Hysterical psychological disorders

  癔症性遗忘Hysterical amnesia

  癔症性漫游Hysterical fugue

  癔症性身份识别障碍Hysterical identity disorder

  癔症性精神病Hysterical psychosis

  癔症性附体障碍Hysterical possession disorders

  癔症性木僵Hysterical stupor

  癔症性躯体障碍Hysterical somatic disorders

  癔症性运动障碍Hysterical motor disorders

  癔症性抽搐发作Hysterical convulsions

  癔症性感觉障碍Hysterical sensory disorders

  混合性癔症躯体—精神障碍Mixed hysterical somatic-psychological disorders

  其他或待分类癔症Other or unspecified hysteria

  Ganser综合征Ganser is syndrome

  见于童年和青少年的短暂的癔症性障碍Transient hysterical disorders occurring in childhood and adolescence

  应激相关障碍Stress-related disorders

  急性应激障碍Acute stress disorders

  急性应激性精神病(急性反应性精神病)Acute stress psychosis(acute reactive psychosis)

  创伤后应激障碍Post-traumatic stress disorders

  适应障碍Adjustment disorders

  短期抑郁反应Brief depressive reaction

  中期抑郁反应Subprolonged depressive reaction

  长期抑郁反应Prolonged depressive reaction

  其他恶劣情绪为主的适应障碍Adjustment disorders with disturbance of other emotions

  混合性焦虑抑郁反应Mixed anxiety and depressive reaction

  品行障碍为主的适应障碍Adjustment disorders with predominant disturbance of conduct

  心境和品行混合性障碍为主的适应障碍Adjustment disorders with mixed disturbance of emotionsand conduct

  其他或待分类的应激相关障碍Other or unspecified stress-related disorders

  与文化相关的精神障碍Mental disorders related to culture

  气功所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to qigong

  巫术所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to qitchcraft


  其他或待分类的与文化相关的精神障碍Other or unspecified mental disorders related to culture




  社交恐惧症(社交焦虑症)Social phobia

  特定的恐惧症Specific phobias

  焦虑症Anxiety disorder

  惊恐障碍Panic disorder

  广泛性焦虑Generalized anxiety disorder


  躯体形式障碍Somatoform disorders

  躯体化障碍Somatization disorder

  未分化躯体形式障碍Undifferentiated somatoform disorders


  躯体形式植物神经紊乱Somatoform autonomic dysfunction

  心血管系统功能紊乱Heart and cardiovascular system dysfunction

  高位胃肠道功能紊乱Upper gastrointestinal tract dysfunction

  低位胃肠道功能紊乱Lower gastrointestinal tract dysfunction

  呼吸系统功能紊乱Respiratory sstem dysfunction

  泌尿生殖系统功能紊乱Genitourinary system dysfunction

  持续性躯体形式疼痛障碍Persistent somatoform pain disorder

  其他或待分类躯体形式障碍Other or unspecified somatoform disorders

  神经衰弱Neurasthenia [F48.0]

  其他或待分类的神经症Other or unspecified neruosis

  心理因素相关生理障碍Physiological disorders related to psychological factords

  进食障碍Eating disorders

  神经性厌食Anorexia nervosa

  神经性贪食Bulimia nervosa

  神经性呕吐Psychogenia nervosa

  其他或待分类非器质性进食障碍Other or unspecified nonorganic eating disorder

  非器质性睡眠障碍Nonorganic sleep disorders



  睡眠—觉醒节律障碍Disorder of the sleep-wake schedule


  夜惊Night terrors


  其他或待分类非器质性睡眠障碍Other or unspecified nonorganic sleep disorders

  非器质性性功能障碍Nonorganic sexual dysfunction

  性欲减退Lack or loss of sexual desire


  冷阴Failure of femalegenital response

  性乐高潮障碍Orgasmic dysfunction

  早泄Premature ejaculation



  其他或待分类性功能障碍Other or unspecified sexual dysfunction

  人格障碍、习惯和冲动控制障碍、性心理障碍Personality disorders, Habit and impulse disorders, Psychosexual disorders

  人格障碍Personality disorders

  偏执性人格障碍Paranoid personality disorder

  分裂样人格障碍Cchizoid personality disorder

  反社会性人格障碍Dissocial personality disorder

  冲动性人格障碍(攻击性人格障碍)Impulsive personality disorder

  表演性(癔症性)人格障碍Histrionic (hysterical )personality disorder

  强迫性人格障碍Anankastic personality disorder

  焦虑性人格障碍Anxious personality disorder

  依赖性人格障碍Dependent personality disorder

  其他或待分类的人格障碍Other or unspecified personality disorder

  习惯与冲动控制障碍Habit and impulse disorders

  病理性赌博Pathological gambling

  病理性纵火Pathological fire-setting

  病理性偷窃Pathological stealing


  其他或未特定的习惯和冲动障碍Other or unspecified habit snd impulse disorders

  性心理障碍(性变态)Psychosexual disorders

  性身份障碍Gerder identity disorders


  其他或待分类的性身份障碍Other or unspecified gender identity disorders

  性偏好障碍Disorders of sexual preference


  异装症Fetishistic transvestism





  混合型性偏好障碍Mixed disorders of sexual perference

  其他或待分类的性偏好障碍Other or unspecified disorders of sexual preference

  性指向障碍Sexual orientation disorders



  其他或待分类的性指向障碍Other or unspecified sexual indirection disorders

  精神发育迟滞与童年和少年期心理发育障碍Mental retardation, and disorders ofpsychological development with onset usually occurring in childhood andadolescence

  精神发育迟滞Mental retardation

  轻度精神发育迟滞Mild mental retardation

  中度精神发育迟滞Moderate mental retardation

  重度精神发育迟滞Severe mental retardation

  极重度精神发育迟滞Profound mental retardation

  其他或待分类的精神发育迟滞Other or unspecified mental retardation

  无或轻微的行为障碍No or minimal impairment of behaviour

  显著的行为障碍,需要加以关注或治疗Significant impairment of behaviour requiring attention or treatment

  其他或待分类的行为障碍Other or unspecifide behavioural impaiment

  言语和语言发育障碍Developmental disorders of speech and language

  特定言语构音障碍Specific speech articulation disorder

  表达性语言障碍Expressive language disorder

  感受性语言障碍Receptive language disorder

  伴发癫痫的获得性失语(Landau-Kleffner综合征)Acquired aphasia with epilepsy(Landau-Kleffner syndrome)

  其他或待分类的言语和语言发育障碍Other or unspecified developmental disorders of speech and language

  特定学校技能发育障碍Specific developmental disorders of scholastic skills

  特定阅读障碍Specific reading disorder

  特定拼写障碍Specific spelling disorder

  特定计算技能障碍Specific disorder of arithmetical skills

  混合性学习技能障碍Mixed disorder of scholastic skills

  其他或待分类的特定学习技能发育障碍Other or unspecified developmental disorders of scholastic skills

  特定运动技能发育障碍Specific developmental disorder of motor skills

  混合性特定发育障碍Mixed specified developmental disorders

  广泛性发育障碍Pervasive developmental disorders

  儿童孤独症Childhood autism

  不典型孤独症Atypical autism

  Rett综合征Rett is syndrome

  童年瓦解性精神障碍(Heller综合征)Childhood disintegrative disorder(Heller is syndrome )

  Asperger综合征Asperger is syndrome

  其他或待分类的广泛性发育障碍Ogher or unspecified pervasive developmental disorders

  童年和少年期的多动障碍、品行障碍和情绪障碍Hyperkinetic, Conduct, and Emotional disorders with onset usually occurring in childhood and adolescence

  多动障碍Hyperkinetic disorders

  注意缺陷与多动障碍(儿童多动症)Attention dificit and hyperactivity disorder

  多动症合并品行障碍Hyperkinetic conduct disorder

  其他或待分类的多动障碍Other or unspecified hyperkinetic disorders

  品行障碍Conduct disorders [F91]

  反社会性品行障碍dissocial conduct disorder

  对立违抗性障碍Oppositional defiant disorder

  其他或待分类的品行障碍Other or unspecified conduct disorders

  品行与情绪混合障碍Mixed disorders of conduct and emotions

  特发于童年的情绪障碍Emotional disorders with onset specifie to childhood

  儿童分离性焦虑症Separation anxiety disorder of childhood

  儿童恐惧症(儿童恐怖症)Phobic anxiety disorder of childhood

  儿童社交恐惧症Social anxiety disorder of childhood

  其他或侍分类的童年情绪障碍Other or unspecified childhood emotional disorders

  儿童广泛焦虑症General anxiety with onset specific to childhood

  儿童社会功能障碍Disorders of social functioing wigh onset specific to childhood and adolescence

  选择性缄默症Elective autism儿童反应性依恋障碍Reactive attachment disorde of childhood

  其他或待分类的儿童社会功能障碍Other or unspecified cildhood disorders of social functioning

  抽动障碍Tic disorders

  短暂性抽动障碍(抽动症)Transient tic disorder

  慢性运动或发声抽动障碍Chronic motor or vocal tic disorder

  Tourette综合征(发声与多种运动联合抽动障碍)Toruette is syndrome

  其他或待分类的抽动障碍Other or unspecified tic disorders

  其他童年和少年期行为障碍Other behavioral disorders with onset usually occurring in childhood and adolescence

  非器质性遗尿症Nonorganic enuresis

  非器质性遗粪症Nonorganic encopresis

  婴幼儿和童年喂食障碍Feeding disorder of infancy and childhood

  婴幼儿和童年异食障碍Pica of infancy and childhood

  刻板性运动障碍Stereotyped movement disorders


  其他或待分类的童年和少年期精神障碍Other or unspecifide mental disorders with onset usually occurring in childhood and adolescence

  其他精神障碍和心理卫生情况Other mental disorders and psychological health conditions

  待分类的精神病性障碍Unspecifide nonpsychotic disorder

  待分类的非精神病性精神障碍Unspecifide nonpsychotic disorder

  其他心理卫生情况Other psychological nonpsychotic disorder

  无精神病Without psychosis



  自杀死亡Complete suicide

  自杀未遂Incomplete suicide


  自伤Deliberate sdle-harm

  病理性激情Pathological emotional outbursts

  病理性半醒状态Pathological semi-awakening state

  其他或待分类的心理卫生情况Other or unspecified mental health conditions

  待分类的其他精神障碍Other mental disorders, unspecified