
2009-6-1 16:58 【

Diabetes Treatment Disappoints in New Study

  The cell transplants did free patients from insulin shots, but only temporarily: within two years, 86 percent needed insulin again, according to a report to be published Thursday in The New England Journal of Medicine.


  The patients had severe Type 1 diabetes, also called juvenile diabetes, in which the body lacks insulin and people must inject it several times a day to control blood sugar. They were given islet cells from the pancreas of a dead organ donor.


  The transplants do not require major surgery, just a tube inserted into a vein in the abdomen so that the cells can be dripped into the liver, where they take up residence in tiny blood vessels. Because the transplanted cells come from someone else, recipients must take immune-suppressing drugs for life to prevent rejection.


  The study, involving 36 patients at nine centers in the United States, Canada and Europe, was inspired by a smaller trial published in 2000 that sparked excitement about a transplant technique called the Edmonton protocol, developed at the University of Alberta. In that initial test, none of the patients needed insulin shots-but when the report was published, none had been followed for more than 14 months. Later, many did need the shots again.


  In the newer study, the transplants failed completely within a year in 10 of the 36 patients; but 16 others were off insulin completely, and the remaining 10 needed less insulin than before. By two years, only five were still free of insulin shots. A quarter of the patients had to switch immune-suppressing drugs because of side effects, which sometimes included a drop in kidney function.


  For now, the cell transplants are not recommended for most patients.


  "I don‘t think this is ready for prime time," said Dr. Jonathan S. Bromberg, director of transplantation at Mount Sinai Hospital in Manhattan. He was not involved in the research, but wrote an editorial about it in the same journal.

  “我认为时机还不成熟,” 曼哈顿西奈山医院器官移植主任乔纳森·S·布隆伯格博士说。他没有参与这次研究,但是他在同一期刊上撰写了关于研究报告的社评。

  But he also said the field was advancing so fast that the transplants may actually become a viable option in the not-so-distant future.


  "I think we‘ve got every reason to believe there will be significant progress," Dr. Bromberg said.


  In the meantime, even in their present form, the cell transplants may still help some people - approximately 10 percent of those with Type 1 diabetes, who frequently suffer from severe episodes of low blood sugar, or hypoglycemia, that strike without warning and can cause confusion, fainting or even seizures.


  This kind of hypoglycemia can be so severe that patients "can‘t function in society," said Dr. A.M. James Shapiro, who led the study and is director of the islet transplant program at the University of Alberta. His team developed the Edmonton protocol.

  这种低血糖症会非常严重,可以导致患者“不能正常活动”,领导这项研究的埃尔伯塔胰岛移植项目主任A.M. 詹姆斯·夏皮罗博士表示。他领导的团队开创了埃德蒙顿方案。

  Patients in the study had the condition, but the transplants diminished their hypoglycemic attacks, even when the cells were only partly effective.


  In the United States, the cell transplants are considered experimental and are available only in studies. They are more widely available in Canada, Dr. Shapiro said.


  Transplanting the entire pancreas can reverse Type 1 diabetes, but it is a major operation and in this country is usually done only when the diabetes is so severe that the patient needs a kidney transplant as well. About 1,500 pancreas transplants a year are performed in the United States. The transplants tend to work for 5 to 10 years, Dr. Bromberg said. Eventually most patients need insulin again.


  But people with Type 1 do not really need a whole pancreas: they need just the islet cells, which make up only about 3 percent of the organ.


  Researchers have been experimenting with islet transplants since the 1970‘s. But the cells never survived for long in humans - not until the study reported in 2000 by Dr. Shapiro and his colleagues. His team succeeded because they suspected that the immune-suppressing drugs were killing off the islet cells, and they switched to a less toxic regimen. It worked.


  Even so, too many cells die - half to three quarters, Dr. Shapiro said. If more could survive, patients might be able to go much longer without insulin. Researchers are testing different drug combinations and other refinements to improve their results.


  "I would be first to admit that it has a long way to go before it matches whole pancreas transplantation," Dr. Shapiro said, but he added that he still expected the cell infusions to catch up with whole organ transplants in a few years. The shortage of organ donors will be a limiting factor, however.


  Dr. Bromberg said that for most diabetics, new forms of insulin, insulin pumps and glucose monitors were improving control of the disease so much that it would be hard to justify the risks of a transplant and lifelong immune-suppressing drugs.


  Cell transplants are being studied primarily in people with Type 1 diabetes, which affects about a million people in the United States. It occurs when a person‘s immune system, for unknown reasons, attacks the pancreas cells that make insulin.


  Type 2 diabetes is different, and far more common, affecting about 20 million in the United States. Patients produce insulin, but their bodies cannot use it properly. The disease is genetic, but often develops only when someone who has the genes for it also becomes overweight. Type 2 is increasing in many countries as obesity rises. (Type 1 is not linked to obesity.)


  Both forms of the disease can have devastating consequences, including blindness, kidney failure and circulatory problems that can lead to amputations.
