
2009-3-27 9:10 【

  Nurse A : I come to have a talk with you , to have a discussion on the nursing of burned patient.

  Nurse B: Thank you . And you are choosing a very important topic.

  N A: Yes . Above all , the first aid is very imporant at the emergency period . Smother the fire , if the victim's clothes is on fire , he should lie down and remain stationary and quickly rolled in a rug or blanket doused freely with water . If nothing is available , he should roll on the ground , the flames may be extinguished.

  NB: I know that using cold running water on the burned skin is valuable first aid measure . The cold reduces pain and may decrease the effect of the heat on the tissue . form www.med66.com

  NA: Oils , ointment lotions should not be applied and do not remove clothing in order to prevent contamination , then transport the patient to hospital as soon as possible.

  NB: What should we do in case of chemical burns?

  NA: In case of chemical burns , the patient's clothing is removed and the burned area is washed with generous amount of water.






