
2009-3-21 11:24 【

  发烧 Fever


  The temperature has risen steadily from 37.6°C to 40°C orally over the past 3 days.


  发烧 become feverish; have a temperature

  发高烧 have a high fever

  平常有微热,有几次升到38.4度 have low grade (slight) fever to 38.4°C on a few occasions

  没有发烧 be afebrile; have no fever


  He ran a febrile course with an average temperature of 39°C.


  He was obliguric and feverish (febrile) throughout the course.


  体温上升 have an elevation of temperature form www.med66.com

  发高烧伴随恶寒 have high temp. associated with chill

  体温升升,有恶寒 have chills with high temperature

  ex1: 体温升到摄氏39度2,腹部也明显地膨胀了起来。

  The temp. rose( went up ) to 39.2°C and the abdominal distension became marked.


  The oral temp. was elevated to 37.8°C during the past 8 days, but thereafter remained below 37.2°C.


  About the end of April, his temperature dropped to 37°C spontaneously.


  体温急速下降 one's fever falls (abates; declines) promptly

  体温开始减低 fever began to remit体温似乎是减退了 fever seemed to abate

  体温降到正常 fever dropped (was reduced) to normal

  体温慢慢地下降(上升) with slow lysis ( cirsis) of fever

  体温一天一天地低下来 fever became lower day by day


  The fever, which went down almost to normal 2 days ago, rose to 38.3°C again today.


  Fever disappeared 10 days after onset of illness.


  He continued to have a temperature with spiking in the afternoon to 40°C by recutum.



  Fever was present for 10 days; it did not exceed 37.2°C during the last 3 days.


  The temperature during the first 24 hours varied between 37.2°C and 38.3°C.