白细胞 Leukocyte

2009-3-19 16:18 【


  Or white blood cell (WBC); a colorless blood corpuscle capable of ameboid movement, whose chief function is to protect the body against microorganisms causing disease and which may be classified in two main groups: granular (granulocytes: basophils, eosinophils, neutrophils) and nongranular(nongranulocytes: lymphocytes, monocytes).


  The doctor counts the total number of white blood cells and works out how many different types of white blood cells the patient has. This is called the differential WBC count. form www.med66.com


  The number of white blood cells may go up and this may be because of a bacterial infection, bleeding or a burn. More rarely the cause of a raised white count is due to leukaemia, cancer or malaria.


  Low white counts can be a sign of bone marrow diseases or an enlarged spleen. Low WBC is also found in HIV infection in some cases. A person may lose white blood cells because they have autoimmune problems - this is where the antibodies that should fight diseases attack the body instead. Other reasons for loss of white blood cells include viral infections. More rarely, this can be a side effect of certain kinds of medication.

  白细胞数低可能是骨髓疾病或脾肿大症状,有些HIV感染病人也会出现白细胞数降低的情况。自身免疫疾病,即本应抗击疾病的抗体反而攻击机体,可导致白细胞丢失。其他可导致白细胞丢失的原因包括病毒感染,也可能是某些药物副作用所到,但较少见。 医 学教 育网搜集

  WBC Ranges


  Normal Adult Range: 3.8 - 10.8 thous/mcl

  成人正常:3.8-10.8 ×109/L

  Optimal Adult Reading: 7.3


  Higher ranges are found in children, newborns and infants.
